Phony entity poses as a credit union with a bank charter

(Jan. 14, 2022) Entities using a “multitude” of fictitious names and websites – including as a credit union — are purporting to offer banking services in the state of Florida, according to a report circulated in an alert this week by the OCC.

Specifically, the OCC alert names two entities – one calling itself a bank, the other a credit union. The Florida Office of Financial Regulation (FLOFR), the federal agency said, reported that both groups have been using foreign-hosted websites designed to obtain information to likely perpetrate fraud, including identity theft.

The oddball thing about the phony credit union is that it uses the initials “N.A.” (for national association) in its name – the moniker assigned to bank charters from the OCC.

“None of these entities are authorized to conduct banking business in the United States, and websites appear to spoof a legitimate financial institution,” the OCC stated.

The OCC identified the phony institutions as:

  • Ledge Community Credit Union, N.A., purports to conduct banking business from addresses throughout Florida, including Fleming Island and Jacksonville which correspond to a legitimate Florida-chartered financial institution. Another known name used by the group includes Flygate Financial (
  • Fedro Asset Bank, N.A., purports to conduct banking business from addresses in Jacksonville, Orlando, Gainesville, and Tampa.


OCC Alert 2022-2: Unauthorized Banking: Fedro Asset Bank, N.A. and Ledge Community Credit Union, N.A.