Committees, Roundtables and Working Groups
NASCUS’ committees are comprised of member organizations. The committees provide Joint Leadership and NASCUS’s management team with input and guidance on issues affecting the credit union system.
NASCUS Anti-Money Laundering/Anti-Financial Crimes Roundtable (AML Roundtable)
The purpose of the AML Roundtable is to serve as a community where AML/AFC staff can regularly network and consult with peers on complicated issues/situations at their credit unions. By providing an expanded support network for AML/AFC professionals, the AML Roundtable will help strengthen credit union AML and anti-financial crime efforts.
Click here to learn more about this roundtable and access resources.
NASCUS Staff Liaison:
Brian Knight, NASCUS President/CEO
Sarah Stevenson, NASCUS Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
NASCUS Audit Committee
Committee Mission:
The Audit Committee is a standing committee responsible for performing annual oversight review of all NASCUS and NISCUE financial activities. Comprised of state regulators and credit union executives, The Committee annually reports its findings to the NASCUS Regulator Board of Directors, NASCUS Credit Union Advisory Council, and the NISCUE Board of Trustees.
Committee Members
Jorge Perez (CT); Chairman (2021)
Denice Schulteiss (MI) (2023)
Patti Perkins (ID) (2022)
Matt Kershaw (NV) (2023)
Seth Schaefer (OR) (2021)
Janet Powell (OR); NASCUS Chair
Jeff Dahlstrom (TN); CU Advisory Council Chair
NASCUS Staff Liaison:
Doug McGuckin, Chief Financial Officer
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Minority Depository Institution (MDI), and Low-Income Credit Union (LICU)
Committee Mission:
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Minority Depository Institution (MDI), and Low-Income Credit Union (LICU) designated credit unions provide access to underserved areas, particularly areas that have been historically unable to access traditional banking services. The NASCUS CDFI/LICU/MDI Committee will focus on issues specific to these institutions, identify barriers each face, and propose solutions to strengthen each designation. The committee will also work with NASCUS leadership to provide education and resources to state regulators specific to each designation. Education will include the public policy goals, as well as, powers and authority under NCUA.
Committee Members:
Amy Nelson, Point West CU (OR)
Dwayne Naylor, Local Government FCU & Civic FCU (NC)
Mary Dunagan, Alamo City CU (TX)
Megan Balogh, TruStage
Pablo DeFilippi, Inclusiv
Renée Sattiewhite, AACUC
Stacie Wyss-Schoenborn, Central Willamette CU (OR)
NASCUS Staff Liaisons:
Brian Knight, NASCUS President/CEO
Sarah Stevenson, NASCUS Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Shellee Mitchell, NASCUS Member Engagement Manager
NASCUS Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee
Committee Mission:
The Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee is a standing committee that works to advance legislative and regulatory solutions that preserve a viable and attractive state credit union system. The committee, comprised of regulators, credit unions, and leagues, develops NASCUS’ comment letters, recommends NASCUS policy positions, and guides NASCUS legislative activity. The Committee may form smaller working groups, as needed, to examine specific questions. The Committee may also host special subject matter events on emerging issues.
Click here for a full list of Regulator and Credit Union Committee Members
NASCUS Staff Liaisons:
Sarah Stevenson, NASCUS Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
NASCUS Performance Standards Committee
Committee Mission:
The Performance Standards Committee a standing committee that serves as the policy-making body of the NASCUS Accreditation Program. The Committee sets the standards that must be met by credit union supervisory agencies to earn and maintain NASCUS Accreditation. Comprised of senior regulators from accredited state agencies, the Committee establishes the policies that govern the overall administration of the Accreditation Program.
Committee Members:
Francisco Menchaca (IL); Chair
Tom Fite (IN)
Kristina Ray (NC)
Stacey Cameron (PA)
Aaron Ferenc (VT)
Janet Powell (OR), NASCUS Chair
Brian Knight, NASCUS President/CEO
NASCUS Staff Liaison: John J. Kolhoff, NASCUS Senior Vice President of Policy and Supervision
Pierre Jay Award Committee
The Pierre Jay Award honors an individual or entity that has demonstrated outstanding service, leadership, and commitment to NASCUS and the state credit union system. The award’s namesake is Pierre Jay of Massachusetts, who was the first credit union/banking commissioner appointed in the United States to charter and oversee state-chartered credit unions. The Selection Committee reviews nominations submitted by NASCUS members and selects awardees based on proven contributions, service, and commitment to the state credit union system.
Committee Members
Janet Powell (OR); Regulator Board Chair
Jeff Dahlstrom (Southeast Financial CU); CU Advisory Council Chair
Robert Cashman (Metro CU, MA); Massachusetts Representative and home state of Pierre Jay
Mary Ellen ONeill (2022 winner)
Ex-Officio: Brian Knight, NASCUS President/CEO
NASCUS/NCUA Committees, Task Forces, and Working Groups
Interstate Branching/Operations Task Force
The Interstate Activities Task Force has been developing a 3rd Generation Interstate (Branching) Agreement to supersede the two existing regional agreements in an effort to broaden and harmonize the ability of state credit unions to acquire fields of membership across state lines.
Amy Hunter (WA)
Amy Nelson, Point West CU (OR)
Brian Holst, Elevations CU (CO)
Chris Myklebust, Canvas CU(CO)
Denice Schultheiss (MI)
Heather Bennett (MA)
Jaclyn Clabby, Numerica CU (WA)
Jessica Pollmeier (IA)
Joe Bergeron Vermont League
John Trull, NWCUA
Kelly Botti, Trumark Financial CU (PA)
Matt Saunig (CT)
Mike Williams, Colorado CU (CO)
Parker Cann, Parker Cann LLC
Yolanda Ford (NY)
NASCUS Staff Liaison: John Kolhoff, NASCUS, Senior Vice President of Policy and Supervision
Sub Debt Working Group
The Sub Debt Working Group is tasked with advancing NASCUS’s efforts to modernize credit union regulatory capital by enhancing credit unions’ ability to utilize secondary capital.
Amy Hunter (WA)
Bruce Fox (Catalyst Corporate FCU)
Cathie Mahon (Inclusiv)
Kelly Botti (Trumark)
Lance Davies (Vystar)
Margaret Esola (WA)
Mark Vasquez (WA)
Michael Scanlon (K&L Gates)
Mike Anderson (TruStage)
Mike McGinnis (Catalyst Corporate FCU)
Mike Ryan (BECU)
Steve Pagenstecher (Point West CU)
Theran Colwell (TruStage)
NASCUS Staff Liaison: John Kolhoff, NASCUS, Senior Vice President of Policy and Supervision
New Examiner Training Working Group
The New Examiner Training Working Group is building a NASCUS-administered new examiner training program for use by states as an alternative (or an augmentation) to NCUA-administered new examiner training. This initiative was prompted by state frustration with the legacy new examiner training program administered by NCUA.
Laura Baxendale (MI)
Andrew Bedard (MI)
Lael Byington – (WA)
Margaret Coan (WI)
James Tunca (ID)
Deb Lein (CT)
Christopher Leitch (MI)
Riley Bergstedt (UT)
Denice Schultheiss (MI)
Shaun Berrett (UT)
Jennifer Strefling (MI)
Staff Liaison: Mary Ellen O’Neill, NASCUS Examiner Training Consultant
NASCUS/NCUA National Examination Committee
The committee gathers comments from examiners regarding the examiners’ guide, exam process, and procedures, emerging issues affecting exams, etc.
Committee Members:
Dawn McCaskill (GA)
Anthony Hamilton (MI)
Rachanit Sirivudhidej (CA)
Staff Liaison: John J. Kolhoff, NASCUS Senior Vice President of Policy and Supervision
NASCUS/NCUA Technology Development Team (formerly the AIRES Development Team)
This group works to improve and update AIRES.
Dana Owen (TN)
Ashley Lieske (WI)
William Justice (TN)
NASCUS Staff Liaison: (pending)