As the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS), we advance credit union legislation, regulation, and supervision to promote a resilient state-chartered cooperative credit union system through regulator and credit union collaboration.
State regulators are welcomed to join us in New Orleans, LA for this annual event. This 2.5 day event brings state and federal regulators together to share best practices, collaborate on industry issues, as well as exchange ideas and resources.
Explore CFPB rules, regulations, letters and risk alerts along with NASCUS authored summaries and comment letters.
Explore National Credit Union Administration rules, regulations, letters and risk alerts along with NASCUS authored summaries and comment letters.
AML Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Is Booming; FIs Use Biometrics to Battle Account Takeovers; FDIC Acting Chairman Supports Modernizing CIP Requirements; Calls for Governments to Unify Data to Feed AI; and more

Upcoming Events


This is a compilation data points, state charter benefits, recent credit union news, and financial services policy developments across the country.
Cybersecurity is a critical issue, encompassing everything from business operations to consumer privacy. NASCUS has catalogued alerts and resources to help mitigate risk.
Click here for access to all member resources including summaries & comment letters; networking & learning opportunities; data & research; as well as regulatory resources.
This database provides a searchable catalog of state credit union regulatory agencies and key state credit union powers. Login required.

Recent Comment Letters and Summaries

Comment Letters Recently Published

Regulatory Summaries Recently Published 

Click to read additional summaries and/or comment letters for the NCUA, CFPB, and other federal agencies. (log-in is required to review summaries)

Our mission is to forge a vibrant dual charter system by promoting a relevant, growth-oriented, and healthy state charter option.